Advertise in our Parade Book!
Sponsored by:
Greater Kingsville Civic Association
Kingsville Volunteer Fire Company
Friends & family of Kingsville

Kingsville's 4th of July Parade:
2024 marks the 43rd Kingsville Independence Day Parade scheduled for Thursday, July 4th. With the participation of eight bands in the 2023 celebration of our country’s birthday, parade expenses exceeded $14,000…a considerable commitment for our community. Once again, we are counting on the support of our sponsors, advertisers and patrons to help defray the parade operating expenses. Your ad in the Parade Book not only offsets expenses but is fundamental to the success of Kingsville Parade!
Enclosed is a copy of your ad as it appeared in the 2023 Parade Book, if applicable. Your continued support and participation in the ad book is sincerely appreciated. If you are providing new copy or are a first time advertiser, please submit the ad in "camera ready" format (not glossy) for full, half or quarter page sizes as noted below by email to KingsvilleParade@gmail.com. Complete the attached form and return it by May 24th, 2024 along with a copy of your ad and your check MADE PAYABLE TO: GKCA 4th of July Parade. Mail them to Kingsville’s 4th of July Parade, c/o Tom Kneeshaw, 11 Kings Glen Ct, Kingsville, MD 21087. Please note that payment is required with return of the form below and ad copy for publication. Please retain a copy of this completed form for your records. Your cancelled check will be your receipt as we do not submit individual statements. In order to meet our printing deadline, we MUST adhere to the ad commitment deadline of May 24th. We thank you for your continued commitment and support of this great community celebration.
Should you have any questions regarding your ad, please contact me. Advertisers will receive a copy of the book by mail following printing. If you have family, friends, neighbors and/or business associates who might be interested in advertising and supporting the Kingsville Parade, please encourage them! The Parade Books are distributed in the community before and on the day of the parade. The Kingsville Parade has grown over the years in both parade participants and those gathering to celebrate Independence Day. Our pledge continues to be “all money collected for the parade, supports the parade!”
Thank you for your continued support!
Tom Kneeshaw, 2024 Parade Co-Chairman
Email: KingsvilleParade@gmail.com
PARADE BOOK ADS: 2024 Independence Day !
BUSINESS ADS - I am enclosing:
[ ] $150 for a Full page ad----------(4-3/8" x 7-1/4")
[ ] $ 90 for a Half page ad--------(4-3/8" x 3-3/4")
[ ] $ 75 for a Quarter page ad-----(4-3/8" x 1-7/8")
[ ] Repeat last year's ad or [ ] New copy submitted by email with copy enclosed
[ ] $90 for a Full page ad
[ ] $65 for a Half page ad
[ ] $45 for a Quarter page ad
[ ] Repeat last year's ad or [ ] New copy submitted by email with copy enclosed
AD FOR: _________________________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________Zip: _____________
Telephone: __________________________ Contact: ______________________________________
Email: ______________________________________
Questions regarding ads and sponsorships in the Parade Book, please contact Tom Kneeshaw by email to: KingsvilleParade@gmail.com
Patron ads are $3 per line (Example: Joe Smith or The Smith Family or Joe and Jean Smith
SEND TO: Kingsville 4th of July Parade, c/o Tom Kneeshaw, 11 Kings Glen Court, Kingsville, Md. 21087