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As Friends of the Kingsville Parade, we invite you to participate in the Kingsville Independence Day Parade. The Theme this year is: coming in Mid-April...

1. Marching Units (Major) - I st, 2nd, 3'd
2. Band/Musical Entry-*BUD HUSON AMERICAN PRIDE AWARD"- Trophy
3. Antique Vehicles - lst, 2nd, 3rd
4. Equestrian (lndividual) - lst, 2nd, 3rd
5. Equestrian (Group) - lst, 2nd, 3rd
Family, Group or Individual Entry - lst,2nd,3rd
6. Young Set (Age l2 & under) - l st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th
7. Commercial Entries or Floats - tst,2nd, 3rd
8. Non-Commercial Floats - 1st, 2nd, 3rd
9. Fire Apparatus: Melvin C. Neuman Award for BEST APPEARING COMPANY IN PARADE,
10. Best Appearing Engine,2nd Best Appearing Engine, Best Appearing Truck Co. & Best Appearing Ambulance
11. Recreational Vehicle - lst,2nd,3rd
12. Non Competing

Judges Awards - BEST INTERPRETATION OF THEME: lst $l50; 2nd -$l00; 3rd -$50;
20th Annual Mary Frances Shepperd Award for BEST ENTRY IN PARADE - $150
Pre-parade music and celebration commences l0:00 A.M., Thursday July 4th at the Judges viewing stand. Parade entrants will form starting at 9:00 A.M. at the Kingsville Volunteer Fire Company on Bellvue Avenue. The Parade will start promptly at l0:45 A.M. and proceed down Bradshaw Road for opening ceremonies at the Judges stand at I l:00 A.M., tum right on Jerusalem Road and end at St. Paul's Church. There will be NO RAIN DATE. Please note. Bradshaw and Jerusalem Roads will be closed at 9:50 A.M.

Participants will receive a letter from the Parade Committee with instructions and directions to access the parade lineup formation. Winners will be notified within the week following the parade and invited to the July 17th meeting of the GKCA for awards and trophy presentations in the above
categories. Please indicate if your entry is competing for an award, otherwise, please select non-competing.


July 4th  is rapidly approaching...return your entry form as soon as us to make the Parade of 2024 our best ever! Cash awards include: $ 150 for the 20th Annual Mary Frances Shepperd Award for BEST ENTRY IN PARADE and the Judges Awards for BEST INTERPRETATION OF THEME - 1st Place - $150; 2nd Place - $ 100 and 3rd Place - $50. Please note an entry could qualify for and receive awards for Best Entry in Parade as well as 1st Place for Best Interpretation of Theme, if warranted. Final decision of awards is the sole discretion of the judges. The form provides the opportunity to indicate if your entry is to compete in the category you choose or will enter as non-competing. This will enable us to plan for only those winners who wish to receive an award on July 17th for participating in the parade.


As Friends of the Kingsville Parade we invite you to join our lineup of bands from Baltimore City Pipe Band, Havre de Grace High School, Edgewood High School, C. Milton Wright High School, North Harford High School, Aberdeen High School, Joppatowne High School and Patterson Mill High School along with the Oriole Bird and many other exciting entries for this year's

For your review, we have attached the "Statement of Purpose and Rules for the Kingsville Fourth of July Parade" AND "Principles of Safe Parade Participation." This information should be distributed to all participants in your entry for their review and understanding. Each entry form submitted requires the signature of the Contact Person or Group Leader acknowledging receipt, as provided. It is important for the Committee to remind entrants that, as stated in the Purpose and Rules, NO items, including candy, can be thrown out to the spectators during the parade. Any handouts may only be PASSED OUT BY HAND
by those walking. We hope this will be helpful in planning your entry. Should you have any questions regarding this information, please email me at Through various corporate sponsorships and advertisers of the Parade Booklet, expenses for this Independence Day Celebration are usually covered, which exceeds $14,000 this year! The enclosed form provides you the opportunity to support this community event by advertising your business, group, community and/or an individual patron listing. As you can tell by the number of bands performing, our band sponsorship program has been well received by the business community. However, as the price for bands increase, multiple sponsors are typically needed for one band and we depend on funding from the parade book to offset some of these higher costs.

All participants, upon receipt of your entry, are forwarded a Ietter from the parade committee with instructions and directions to access the parade lineup formation. lt is important that all individuals involved with each group receive the details from this instructional letter from their leader. Of particular concern for safety, addressed in the instructional letter, is that participants are
not to return along the parade route while the parade is in progress.
Check out this website or for details regarding the parade as well as weather related updates on the day of the parade. As a reminder, the DEADLINE for parade entries to be included for judging is Thursday, June l3th.

THANK YOU for your continued support!
Tom Kneeshaw
Bob Chaney
Parade Co-Chairmen

Entry Form to Participate:

Contact Information

Thanks for submitting!

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